Kenshindoryu Nippon Budo Kyokai
is a multi-art Japanese Martial Arts association providing members with licensing and insurance services, courses, competitions and access to high grade instructors in a range of traditional Japanese Martial Arts.
Kenshin Do Karate Wado Kai
is a founder member of the English Wadoryu Bujutsu Kyokai, a Wadoryu-based organisation focused on the application of wado principles in ohyo kata using contemporary jujutsu techniques for self-defense
Click on the logo above to find out more about our Wadoryu Karate Classes
KDR Traditional Judo
Based on traditional Zen Judo and incorporating KDR Combat Judo, Kenshindoryu Judo and Jujutsu Kai are members of the International Gentle-Arts Society KDR Judo is a non-sport style, focused on Judo the martial art
Click on the logo above to find out more about our fun non-sport Judo Classes
Kenshindoryu does not 'award' or give away Dan grades, so you can be sure that instructors have earned their grade and have the necessary experience and depth of knowledge to provide quality martial arts tuition.
And our affiliation and world-wide friendship with other respected martial arts groups enables us to ensure that our standards are maintained and our dan grades are respected as knowledgeable and worthy representatives of our association.
You can find out more about us here
The association Chief Instructor is Shihan Jim Dart, 6th Dan Renshi, who has been involved in martial arts for almost 50 years. Contact Jim at: sensei@kenshindoryu.co.uk
Check out Jim's training history, grades and experience
Kenshindoryu Chief Instructor, Jim Dart, has released four books, of which three are still in print.
Copies of ALL of the books, including the original out-of-print copy are available from our shop on this website

In addition to the books, you can buy Kenshindoryu, EWBK, and international Gentle Arts Society (IGAS) woven badges to put on your dogi, tracksuit or sportswear and the Zenshosen Judo Syllabus and Grade Record books.
Association Policies
Kenshindoryu Nippon Budo Kyokai is a non-profit organisation and takes compliance seriously, so we have a range of policies in place covering Data protection, Ethical Behaviours and Equal Opportunities.
Click here to be taken to our governance policies.
Child Protection Officer and Policy
Our child protection Officer is Mrs Erika Darroch, who can be contacted at cpo@kenshindoryu.co.uk if you have any concerns, and you can view our Child Protection Statement here
All of our club instructors hold Liability and professional Indemnity insurance cover

An advanced-level syllabus from the Kenshindoryu, available to Wadoryu, Judo and Jujutsu Dan grades only.
Focused on some of the shared roots and principles of judo with techniques based around various styles of koryu jujutsu, including Kito Ryu, Tenjin Shinyo Ryu & Yoshin Ryu and their derivatives.

From Wadoryu karate, which was formulated by a jujutsu master, to Zenshosen Judo which explores principles of Koryu Jujutsu, through traditional Judo and modern Jujutsu into our sword arts, which feed back into Wadoryu, a style that uses jujutsu and sword strategy in its karate

Japanese Jujutsu provides rounded training in standing and groundwork techniques, striking and throwing, vital points, locks and pins, strangles and submissions. Jujutsu Kempo includes all of these areas with an increased focus on 'atemi', vital & pressure-point applications.

Kenshindoryu 2023 International Summer Course
We actively promote training with other clubs, styles and arts, attending and hosting courses each year, including an international seminar with instructors from across the UK and Europe. We also try to attend training in Europe or the Canaries every other year at clubs run by our many friends abroad, where we are proud to have, and be, affiliated as members.

Zen Judo
Both the Zen Judo Family and clubs of the British Zen Judo Family Association are members of Kenshindoryu via the International Gentle Arts Society and we share mutual affiliation.

International Martial Arts Organisation
European association IMAO is based in Spain with links to European countries and the United States and we have taken part in, and taught on, IMAO courses

Escuela Nacional Kano Ryu
Chief Instructor Tomeu Canellas 7th Dan is a long-time friend of Kenshindoryu and also holds the position as chief instructor of Zen Judo Espana.