Kenshindoryu Jujutsu Kempo is a modern (gendai) Japanese-style fighting art, which marries proven skills, strategies and principles from wadoryu karate, traditional Judo and Iai/Battodo, with a wide range of self-defence techniques and tactics
Jujutsu Kempo
Incorporating 'gaiden waza' (borrowed techniques) from proven fighting arts as diverse as Boxing, Aikido and Russian Sambo as well as a number of unique kata, Kenshindoryu Jujutsu Kempo is a highly effective self-defence art.
The description ‘Jujutsu Kempo’ makes clear the increased focus on striking techniques, sometimes lacking in modern Jujutsu, while inclusion of pressure and vital-point 'technique enhancements’ have served to improve the control and ‘pain compliance’ element of techniques – in particular those borrowed from Small Circle Jujitsu.
The syllabus retains a ‘traditional’ nature incorporating kihon (basic techniques) covering striking & kicking, grappling & throws, locks & strangles, groundwork and pressure-points, with a combination of established and unique kata (forms) which reinforce the principles of throwing, reflexive defence, groundwork and conclusive techniques.
Kumite (freefighting) plays a large part in an art which can, at times, appear to border on the brutal, but a range of fighting activities allow members to take on as much, or as little, pressure as they wish; from simple throwing randori, through Tachiwaza (standing fighting) and submission groundwork, to Bushidokai freefighting in which full-contact strikes to the body are permitted along with ‘streetfighting’ techniques such as gouging and biting.
Techniques are introduced in a controlled and safe way throughout a syllabus designed to be followed all the way through to 3rd Dan, to produce a rounded comprehensive fighting ability.