Black Belt Training
On the third Friday of each month (other than August) we run a short open session at the honbu dojo for black (and brown) belts in any art, including non-members and unaffiliated martial artists. Usually between an hour and 90 minutes, the sessions are technical in nature and cover shared principles and high-grade techniques from a range of martial arts.
Sessions will typically include some training or techniques from Wadoryu karate, Judo, koryu and gendai jujutsu, iaido/ battodo, Aikido and more.
Recent lessons have focused on Wadoryu Kihon Gumite, including how they work using a sword, Judo's Ju no Kata, Bunkai jutsu, Kenshin no kata from our 3rd Dan jujutsu syllabus and techniques from both the shoden and chuden

mokoroku of the Zenshosen (Battle) Judo. We've also covered some sword techniques, looking at their influence on jujutsu and wadoryu, linking into Aiki's Kenjutsu and even some kobudo (weapons) work.
Largely kata-based, the sessions are designed to promote thought and deeper study of the common principles behind the Japanese Budo arts.
These sessions are completely non-political and we're not trying to 'poach' members, simply to train together and gain a deeper, understanding of the Budo arts.
With this in mind we will occasionally ask visitors if they would mind explaining, or teaching, something that they do differently which will interest the group and expand our knowledge.
Why not come and share with us!
In general, the Black Belt training is conducted by Kenshindoryu Chief Instructor, Jim Dart, 6th Dan, who regularly teaches with clubs in Europe and on international courses.
And maybe you'll pick up a new understanding, angle or perspective on your training, that you can take back to your clubs - or not - whichever suits you!