Dan Grade Register
Earning a Kenshindoryu Dan Grade is something of which our members are justifiably proud.
We don't simply 'award' Dan Grades and the standards required are monitored closely by those who have gone before, with all Kenshindoryu black belts in their respective arts invited to sit on grading panels.
Physical gradings are required for all grades in Wadoryu Karate and Kenshindoryu Iaido.
We operate a different system for Judo and Jujutsu where gradings are required up to and including Sandan (3rd Degree), following which, further promotion is only possible by achieving black belt in another, different, Japanese Martial Art. In this way, we believe we guarantee the continued breadth and depth of knowledge expected of Kenshindoryu Black Belts.
Bartomeu Canellas
7th Dan KDR Traditional Judo
6th Dan Kano Ryu
Jim Dart Chief Instructor (KDR Yudansha Elite)
6th Dan Wadoryu Karate
7th Dan Karate-do (IMAO)
6th Dan KDR Traditional Judo
6th Dan Jujutsu Kempo
5th Dan Kano Ryu
4th Dan ZJF/BZJFA Zen Judo
4th Dan Nihonryu Jujutsu
1st Dan Toyama Ryu Battojutsu
Tom Williams
4th Dan KDR Traditional Judo
2nd Dan Jujitsu Kempo

Stuart Edwards (KDR Yudansha Elite)
3rd Dan Jujitsu Kempo
2nd Dan Wadoryu Karate
1st Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Chris Lambourn (KDR Yudansha Elite)
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate
1st Dan Jujitsu Kempo
2nd Dan KDR Traditional Judo,
3rd Dan BZJFA Judo
KDR Yudansha Elite
KDR Yudansha Elite hold Dan Grades in all three of our core arts (Wadoryu Karate, Traditional Judo and Kempo Jujitsu) and are presented with an ornamental Katana or Iaito to reflect this achievement and their Samurai spirit
Andrew Lambourn
1st Dan Jujitsu Kempo
2nd Dan KDR Traditional Judo,
3rd Dan BZJFA Judo
James Dart (KDR Yudansha Elite)
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate
2nd Dan KDR Traditional Judo
2nd Dan Jujitsu Kempo
Michael Gilbert-Hill
1st Dan KDR Traditional Judo
2nd Dan Jujitsu Kempo
3rd Dan Kai Shin Kai Aikido
3rd Dan IBC Aikido

Phil Stevens
2nd Dan Wadoryu Karate
Gail Dart
2nd Dan Wadoryu Karate
Joe Williams
2nd Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Daniel Jones
2nd Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Kenshindoryu Dan Grades don't wear stripes on their belts to denote their Dan Grade but have a sequence of ring badges, as shown above, with the number of rings reflecting the grade
Joanne Newman
2nd Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Rachel Amer
2nd Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Michael Yates
2nd Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Joe Dignam
2nd Dan Jujitsu Kempo
Jack Morgan

1st Dan Wadoryu Karate
2nd Dan Go Kan Ryu Karate
Bruno Rojas-Fisher
1st Dan KDR Traditional Judo
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate
Guy Miller
1st Dan KDR Traditional Judo
1st Dan Jujitsu Kempo
Back Row L to R : Alison Stevens, Dan Jones, Tom Williams, Stuart Edwards, Bruno Rojas-Fisher, Phil Stevens.
Front Row: Chris Lambourn, Andy Lambourn, Jim Dart, Jo Yates, Georgina Heath
Back Row L to R : Renato Nappo, Jim Dart, Michael Gilbert-Hill
Front Row: Jack Morgan, Liam Whitby, James Dart
Kim Winslade
1st Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Susan Newman
1st Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Jo Yates
1st Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Georgina Heath
1st Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Paul Sibley
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate
Richard Robinson
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate

Nick Robinson
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate
Alison Stevens
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate
Laura Barnard
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate
Peter Butterworth
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate
Helen Jones
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate
Matthew de la Harpe
1st Dan KDR Traditional Judo
Liam Whitby
1st Dan Wadoryu Karate